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Soundscape Final


Updated: Oct 5, 2022

While brainstorming for the soundscape project, I knew that I wanted to incorporate some sort of natural and peaceful tone. However, for a 4min 33sec clip, just hearing a bunch of bird, wind, and water noises can get old really fast. So I modified my idea and started thinking about what I appreciated about nature. I started thinking about my camping trips and how a lot of the time I notice that there is an amazing peaceful silence with the sounds of birds and the wind. It always grounds me to the idea that we are used to being around constant sound-- Whether it is the buzzing of electricity and AC, talking amongst peers, and so on. I always find that I am able to reset myself every time I get away from society. I started the piece out slow and relaxing, and then added manmade sounds one by one-- overlapping them. Then, I stripped the manmade sounds away at the end, which signified the idea that we are so used to hearing so much noise that we tend to forget and underappreciate the nature noises.

It was interesting to look at the critique because a lot of people were confused why I stopped using peaceful noises and did not like the noise later in the piece. In some ways, that is exactly what I intended to make the audience feel. I think especially with an audio project, it is challenging to know what the intention is from the artist without hearing their explanation. Overall, I was satisfied with the result with this project and that I portrayed my thinking clearly throughout the piece. If I were to change anything, I would have gotten rid of one sound (or at least lowered the volume of it)-- which was the walking sound. It felt less cohesive to the rest of the piece when I listened to it out loud with the rest of the class. I also struggled using effects, but if I incorporated some more subtle effects throughout it would have made the soundscape better.



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